Darwin has Hind Leg Degeneration (HLD) and is now losing the ability to use his back legs so now he gets hydrotherapy sessions. I’ve been reading about how it could help him with mobility, but at the very least it should help to soothe his muscles. This was his first session getting him used to the water and he didn’t seem to mind it too much!

This looks amazing!!
Given their short life span I think the whole rat owner community is always thinking how to make their life easier. And this is a great idea!!
Can you share details on the hydrotherapy? I’m familiar with the human version of it and am wondering how similar rat HT is to human HT.
At the moment, I’m just getting Darwin used to the water. He mostly just stands in it or moves around a bit. I’ve also been moving his back legs around a bit in the water to try to encourage him to move them if he can. I’m planning to introduce activities into the water to encourage him to be active. I’m thinking about adding food and toys that he might want to play with, which will hopefully encourage him to move around more