Tired of buying expensive hammocks for your rats who end up chewing them anyway? There might be another solution.
Making your own hammocks can be easy and fun – not to mention cost effective!

To make your own no-sew, denim hammock, you will need:
* A pair of old denim jeans (I use ones that were torn and would otherwise end up in the bin)
* Fabric scissors
* Hammock clips
Take your jeans and, using the fabric scissors, cut a portion of the leg the size you want your hammock to be.

Next, turn up the ends of your ‘hammock’

Use fabric scissors to cut four holes (2 in each side) at the ends of the ‘hammock’. Make sure to cut through both layers of denim.

Put hammock clips through the holes and hang it up!

You can hang your new hammock up using only two hammock clips, or four.
Here’s a couple of pictures of Bailey enjoying the hammock!

(Originally published 18th September 2020)