Welcome to Rattastic Discussions
Here at Rattastic Discussions, we are striving to create a community “for rat lovers to come together!”
Rattastic Discussions (rattastic-discussions.co.uk and all other social media affiliated with Rattastic Discussions) is a fun, educational resource.
To this end, and to ensure that everyone’s experience is the best it can be, we have set out a Code of Conduct for our users.
We ask that you read our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer and ensure that you understand and fully agree with them before continuing. If you read the aforementioned, understand but do not fully agree with them, please discontinue and leave Rattastic Discussions (rattastic-discussions.co.uk and all other social media affiliated with Rattastic Discussions).
By accessing any and all of Rattastic Discussions services, you as a User, agree to follow this Code of Conduct – as well as our Terms of Use.
Our Mission
The primary purpose of Rattastic Discussions has always been to create “A place for rat lovers to come together!”
To this end, we provide educational, informative and fun content about pet rats.
Rattastic Discussions is not limited to this website (rattastic-discussions.co.uk) alone. We also have several social media pages:
- YouTube
Rattastic Discussions uses these aforementioned social media pages to increase our reach, so that more rat lovers can find us.
Purpose of this code of conduct
The purpose of this code of conduct is to outline how we expect our Users to behave on all Rattastic Discussions platforms, including (but not limited to):
- Our blog (including the comments section)
- Our social media pages
- Our accounts
Compliance with laws and regulations
By using Rattastic Discussions, and all affiliated services, you are expected to follow the laws and regulations of your place of residency and/or the area in which you are currently accessing Rattastic Discussions and/or all affiliated services.
In addition to this, you are expected to follow the terms set out in our Terms of Use.
Outline of our expectations
If you choose to access and use Rattastic Discussions and/or any and all of our affiliated services, you must follow our code of conduct.
Rattastic Discussions wants to foster a community built on integrity and respect. Any person is free to join our community, however, all persons are expected to behave in the following ways:
- Be respectful
- Be kind
- Be civil
Rattastic Discussions expects all users to be respectful towards one another. We expect all users to be kind and civil to one another as well.
In addition to this, Rattastic Discussions will no tolerate the following:
- Bullying of any kind
- Insulting behaviour
- Foul language
Furthermore, if you wish to do any of the following, please first contact Rattastic Discussions to seek permission:
- Advertise a product
- Advertise a page or website
The breaking of anything outlined in this code of conduct will be dealt with at Rattastic Discussions’ discretion, and may result in a permanent or temporary ban from this site and all other affiliated services.
Contact Information
Users can contact Rattastic Discussions by email at [email protected]
Alternatively, users can contact Rattastic Discussions via the contact form.